Helix the Robot
Helix Helix
Helix > How It Works

How does Helix work??

Helix is built ontop of advanced AI the shoulders of giants - open source and open science contributions, diffusion, neural networks, transformers, huggingface and OpenAI

Helix himself is generated by an AI diffusion model.

Helix can generate all sorts of chart types, here is the full list, you can include any of these words in a query to generate a chart of this type

Tech Background

Helix is using the latest machine learning/AI research running on Google Cloud hardware which has proven itself reliable

Helix combines the best in human understanding of visualizations, with the best in speech and AI understanding to generate beautiful visualizations in seconds.

The edit mode recombines and reworks the charts throughout the pipeline of chart creation so is capable of changing a huge variety of chart options including data transformation, grouping, color, sizing, layout and style.

Chart Types Supported:

  • scatter
  • scatter plot
  • area
  • bar
  • funnel
  • timeline
  • pie
  • sunburst
  • treemap
  • icicle
  • funnel area
  • histogram
  • frequency distribution
  • box
  • violin
  • strip
  • cdf
  • cumulative distribution
  • density heatmap
  • density contour
  • imshow
  • scatter 3d
  • line 3d
  • scatter matrix
  • parallel coordinates
  • parallel categories
  • scatter map
  • line map
  • map
  • density map
  • scatter geo
  • line geo
  • choropleth
  • scatter polar
  • line polar
  • bar polar
  • scatter ternary
  • line ternary
  • word cloud